We have a finite planet. The total area of the earth is 510.1 x 10^6 sq km. The total population of the earth today is about 7 billion persons. Today the minimum estimate of ecological footprint of humanity is about 1.3 times the area of the earth. So obviously, we are living beyond our means. If we have to manage within the limits of our planet, the area allocation per person works out to about 73,000 sq m.
To get a sense of how much land this is, we can consider the following. The area of a football field is approximately 100 m x 100 m or 10,000 sq m. Thus, the area allocation per person is equivalent to about 7.3 football fields.
Why is it that we are finding it so difficult to sustain ourselves on this much land per person??
Priyadarshini Karve
Samuchit Enviro Tech
Samuchit Enviro Tech. samuchit@samuchit.com www.samuchit.com

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