Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My City My Responsibility - Terrace Gardening

Dear All, 

Veena Godbole's terrace garden
Is it really difficult to change our habits and shift to sustainable living? 

There are many citizens in Pune city itself who are living a sustainable lifestyle. Lets see what has driven the change in them. 

Veena Godbole: I got introduced to her through Dr. Priyadarshini Karve. She's a middle-aged women who just does not allow any of her kitchen waste out of her house. She has developed a beautiful terrace garden by using her household wet waste and cultivates her own vegetables and fruits. Of course, it takes a lot of dedication and effort to undertake such an initiative. But we can start with one vegetable or fruit. 

We saw in earlier blogs that wet waste generated in our household is quite a lot, and it is very easy to reuse it in our own garden or potted plants. If all of us ensure that our kitchen waste should not go out of the house, I think there will be a time when we may fall short of wet waste, and will have to borrow it. Something like this happened with Veena, she had to tie up with the local vegetable vendor for more wet waste. 

So, its like hitting two birds with one stone.We are resolving the problem of wet waste management at our end by forming a closed loop system where the waste of one product, acts as source of nourishment for another product and the cycle goes on. 

Think about it!

If you are also involved in doing something sustainable, please post a comment or write to me! Also if want to visit Veena Godbole terrace garden let me know.
Pournima Agarkar.


Geet Clicks and Narrations said...

Very nicely put up. Feels great to see an article written about my Mother in laws garden.

Ashwini said...

Beautiful garden and a very good article.

Unknown said...

I love this one tanks

Unknown said...

I love this one

suchi said...

Good article,i wud love to visit her terrace...

Savita said...

Great initiative Veena, all the best!

Unknown said...

True. Since one year I m composting my kitchen wastes and I realized a complete new me. Now I vm trying to reduce my other wastes.