- The Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) has estimated that waste generation in India could be as much as 1.3 pounds per person per day. This is a relatively low figure, compared to the 4.6 pounds of waste generated per person per day in the U.S. However, as of July 2009, the U.S. population was close to 307 million, whereas India’s population was nearly four times greater, at 1.2 billion.
- India could be generating as much as 27 million more tons of waste than the U.S. per year, although it has only one-third the land space when it comes to finding suitable locations for final disposal.
- In some areas, people are permitted to simply dump their trash on the streets, creating a dangerous mix of rotten food, harmful chemicals and human and animal excreta. This contributes to flooding, breeding of insects and rodents and spreading of diseases.
- In India, 94 percent of waste is disposed of unsafely, either burned in an uncontrolled manner, or dumped in untreated landfills, where contaminants can leach into groundwater.
- Only 0 to 5% budget is spent on waste disposal by municipal authorities.
*Facts gathered from www.earth911.com

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