So, we have all 'celebrated' the Environment Day on 5 June. We have posted nice pictures and slogans as our status messages on social networking sites. Some of us have planted trees, and participated in cleanliness drives, or attended talks, discussions, etc. The one day of 'celebration' over, we have returned to our daily grind.... which often involves robbing the ecosystem and trashing the planet... so that we can once again 'celebrate' the Environment Day next year!
Firstly, we need to realise that the term 'Environment Day' is in itself a misnomer. Actually we need to call it the 'Human Survival Day' or something like that. It is wrong to think that our actions are 'harming' the environment. The earth's environment has undertaken much more drastic changes than what we humans have done to it in our brief (relatively) existence so far. Our actions are jeopardising US - our future, our existence on this planet is what is in danger.
This change in outlook is essential. Right now we are in a 'benevolent' mood, where we do things 'for the environment' and feel 'good and noble' about it all. As most of us look upon the Environment Day activities as 'philanthropy', we try to find that one action which will involve the least 'investment' (of time, effort, and money). Actions which can also generate some co-benefit like publicity, goodwill of potential customers, etc., are better! We are willing to 'expend' a little extra for these co-benefits. In other words, most of us focus on doing what is convenient and not what is necessary.
On the other hand, if we think of Environment Day as a day to launch long term actions that might improve our chances of survival as a species, that might change the way we 'celebrate' this day. What is it that we can do all year round, so that the Environment Day itself becomes redundant? How can we use the generally increased focus on environmental issues on occasions like the Earth Day or the Environment Day, to educate and motivate ourselves and others to take up lifestyle changes or behavioural changes that will help us live in a better harmony with the environment for our own benefit?
This year I tried to move in this direction, through Samuchit Enviro Tech. Over the last few weeks, we conducted one Samuchit Lifestyle Workshop for general public, one for an industry, and one site visit for general public to get a feel of a sustainable lifestyle. The overall feedback from participants has been positive, and I myself certainly feel invigorated and motivated to carry on with our 'Samuchit' (appropriate) work.
Do you have any more suggestions for us? Would you like to join hands with us on any such initiatives? Please let us know!
Priyadarshini Karve
Samuchit Enviro Tech

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